Spring 2021 Course Syllabus
Course: VNSG-1261- Section: 12 Clinical - Licensed Practical-Vocational Nurse Training |
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Instructor Information | |||||||||||
Instructor | Diane Hare | ||||||||||
haredl@lamarpa.edu | |||||||||||
Phone | (409) 984-6358 | ||||||||||
Office |
COVID 19 Information | The Lamar State College Port Arthur (LSCPA) Student Code of Conduct COVID 19 Policy requires students who have been exposed to COVID 19 or diagnosed with COVID 19 to report their condition on the COVID 19 Notification Form (available via a link on the Student Code of Conduct COVID19 webpage). This information will be provided to the Dean of Student Services. In addition, this policy requires all students to wear face coverings in compliance with the criteria included in the policy. For more information please refer to the COVID 19 link on the LSCPA website. | ||||||||||
Course Information | |||||||||||
Description | A health-related, work-based learning experience that enables the student to apply specialized occupational theory, skills and concepts. Direct supervision is provided by the clinical professional. | ||||||||||
Prerequisites |
BIO 2301/2101 & BIO 2302/2102 Human Anatomy and Physiology NURA 1301 Nurse Aide for Health Care Organizations I NURA 1160 Clinical (VN 1410) Admission to the Vocational Nursing Program To graduate from the VN program it is required that you must complete either, Business Computer Information Systems (BCIS 1305), or Introduction to Computers (ITSC 1401) prior to graduation. Students must have a minimum grade of C or better in every course that applies to the VN Program Certificate plan to graduate. |
Learning Outcomes |
In accordance with the mission of LSC-PA, VNSG 1261 Clinical assists the student to develop the particular skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary for success as a vocational nurse. Upon successful completion of the course, the student should be able to: 1. Demonstrate the role of the beginning vocational nurse. (PSLO Alpha; PSLO 1) Measured by: reading and application of nurse practice act; clinical simulations and rotation evaluations 2. Perform nursing assessments regarding the health status of the patient. (PSLO 1: PSLO 2)Measured by: clinical simulation activities and clinical rotations 3. Participate in the communication process with clients, staff, and instructors. (PSLO 3: PSLO 4) Measured by: clinical simulation/lab activities, clinical rotations 4. Record information legibly, using appropriate terminology and spelling with assistance. (PSLO Alpha; PSLO 1) Measured by: application of module exercises for medical terminology,documentation practice labs and clinical assignments 5. Respect the clients right to privacy by protecting confidential information unless obligated or allowed by law to disclose the information. (PSLO 1; PSLO 3) Measured by: clinical evaluation; case scenario discussions; exams 6. Accept responsibility for personal/professional development.(PSLO Alpha; PSLO 1; PSLO 3) Measured by: discussion of reading assignments and research of current nursing literature on evidence-based practices 7. Implement nursing care according to the care plan.(PSLOAlpha; PSLO 1; PSLO 2; PSLO 3; PSLO 4) Measured by: classroom, lab and clinical exercises on implementation of care plans based on readings and discussions 8. Evaluate the clients responses to nursing interventions.(PSLO 2; PSLO 3) Measured by: Measured by: lab, clinical activities involving plan of care 9. State the rationale and the effects of medications and treatments. (PSLO Alpha; PSLO 3) Measured by: clinical assignments based on readings and discussions 10. Accurately and completely report and document: a. Clients status including signs, symptoms, and responses b. Nursing care rendered c. Administration of treatments d. Clients response to medications and treatments e. Contacts with other health care team members concerning significant events regarding clients status (PSLO 1; PSLO 2; PSLO 3; PSLO 4) Measured by: clinical assignments; safe and ethical patient and healthcare team interactions in clinical 11. Implement measures to promote a safe environment for clients and others.(PSLO 1; PSLO 2; PSLO 3) Measured by: use of standards of safe and effective care in interactions with patients, their families and healthcare team 12. Promote and participate in client education and counseling based on health needs. (PSLO Alpha; PSLO 1; PSLO 2) Measured by: exams based on readings; observations of the implementation of plan of care in clinical setting 13. Obtain instruction and supervision as necessary when implementing nursing procedures or practices.(PSLO 1; PSLO 3; PSLO 4) Measured by: evaluation tool criteria in clinical setting of nursing care and skill implementation 14. Notify the appropriate individual(s) when leaving a nursing assignment. (PSLO 1; PSLO 3; PSLO 4) Measured by: observations in clinical setting of safe and effective student interactions with healthcare team 15. Maintain professional boundaries of the nurse-client relationship. (PSLO 1; PSLO 3) Measured by:observations of implementation of nursing standard of care and professionalism with clients during clinical rotations 16. Provide without discrimination, nursing services regardless of age, disability, economic status, gender, national origin, race, religion, or health problems of the client served. (PSLO 1; PSLO 2) Measured by: clinical observations of provision of care to all clients served while adhering to nursing standard of care 17. Implement measures to prevent exposure to infectious pathogens and communicable conditions. (PSLO 1; PSLO 3) Measured by: clinical observations of the use of standard precautions during the provision of patient care 18. Conform to the uniform policies outlined in the Vocational Nursing Program Handbook. (PSLO Alpha; PSLO 1; PSLO 3) Measured by: adherence to policies set forth in handbook regarding dress; behaviors and attitudes of VN students, |
Core Objectives | |||||||||||
Program Student Learning Outcomes |
Upon completion of the Vocational Nursing Program graduates will, under the supervision of a professional licensed nurse and/or licensed physician, function in non-complex settings and should be able to: PSLO Alpha: Reading Skills Demonstrates comprehension of content-area reading materials PSLO 1. Function within the scope of practice for a Vocational Nurse. PSLO 2. Demonstrates safe, direct patient care with individuals who have predictable healthcare needs. PSLO 3. Exhibits professional nursing behaviors. PSLO 4. Cooperates with members of the interdisciplinary healthcare team to provide evidence-based care |
Textbooks |
Textbook Purchasing Statement: A student attending Lamar State College Port Arthur is not under any obligation to purchase a textbook from the college-affiliated bookstore. The same textbook may also be available from an independent retailer, including an online retailer.
NURSES POCKET GUIDE: Diagnoses, Prioritized, Interventions and Rationales EDITION: 14TH . PUBLISHER: FA Davis. ISBN: 9780803644755 SUPER DUO TABERS 23rd and DAVIS DRUG GUIDE FOR NURSES 16th EDITION: 23rd and 16th PUBLISHER: DAVIS FA. ISBN: 9780803669345 HESI Case study testing packet must be purchased and paid for each semester. The product is good for 2 years. This package includes HESI case Studies as well as the HESI exams that must be taken each level of the VN program SwiftRiver Online Learning must be purchased and paid for each semester. NCLEX PN Pass Point: Please note: No other NCLEX PN Review will be accepted. You must use the NCLEX PN Passpoint access code provided to you for this Pass Point access code for this VNSG 1400 class: See VNSG 1400 Syllabus Recommended Textbooks/ Resources LPN NOTES: NURSE’S CLINICAL POCKET GUIDE By MOSBY. EDITION: 4TH 16. PUBLISHER: ELSEVIER. ISBN: 9780803657960 |
Lecture Topics Outline |
Week 1: Vital sign Lab Week 2: Asepsis Lab Week 3: Physical Assessment Lab Week 4: NG/Enema Lab Week 5: Foley lab Week 6: Wound Care lab Week 7: Clinical Orientation Week 8: Facility Orientation Week 9: Spring Break Week 10: Intake & Output, Client Care, Etiology Week 11: Intake & Output, Client Care, Etiology, Labs Week 12: Client Care, Lab values, Medication Week 13: Client Care, Lab Values, Meds, Plan Of Care Week 14: Client Care, Lab Values, Meds, Plan Of Care Week 15: Client Care, Lab Values, Meds, Plan Of Care Week 16: Clinical Evaluations |
Major Assignments Schedule |
Date: To be scheduled: Computer assignments To be scheduled: Med-Surg Case Study To be scheduled: Specialty Objectives To be scheduled: Teaching Project To be scheduled: Portfolio & Clinical Evaluation |
Final Exam Date | May 4, 2021 - 8:0 AM Through May 4, 2021 - 11:0 AM | ||||||||||
Grading Scale |
90 - 100 = A 80 - 89 = B 75 - 79 = C 60 - 74 = D Below 59 = F (S) Satisfactory (U) Unsatisfactory If clinical performance is U an F is given no matter the grade on assigned clinical paper work |
Determination of Final Grade |
1. The grade for the clinical course consists of two components: (1) Written work/computer assignments which is given a numerical grade and (2) Clinical performance which is graded as S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory). A student must achieve a minimum average of 74.5% or greater on written work and an S on clinical performance to pass the course. Rubrics will be utilized by the instructor for grading case studies and objectives. All clinical work is required to be turned in on the due date. Clinical work will be accepted late with a 5 point penalty for each day through day three. On day four and after, the assignment will receive a 0 zero. Any section of the Care Plan Case study rubric that the student receives a 0 zero in must be corrected within one week of receiving the case study from the instructor by completing an additional care plan using the #2 problem of the patient. If the student does not resubmit the second care plan, the student will receive a 0 (zero) for the care plan rubric grade. If a student scores less than a 75 on a case study, the student should meet with the faculty to determine strategies to improve on subsequent case studies. 2. Students who fail a nursing course may repeat it once. Students must receive a satisfactory (S) and score 74.5% on written work/assignments in clinical and achieve a 75 course grade in the mandatory co-requisite course to progress in the program. 3. The following method will be used to determine each students grade in the course: Med-Surg. Case Study I Grade Radiology Objectives Grade Physical Therapy Objectives Grade Teaching Project Grade HESI Case Study Assignment Grade HESI Case Study Assignment Grade Portfolio Grade Computer Assignments Grade Total/8=Grade Elderly Objectives / computer assignments, (or any other assignment deemed necessary by the VN staff and/or director for alternate-make-up if necessary) 4. Students who fail VNSG 1400 Nursing in Health and Illness I and repeat the course must also repeat the clinical co-requisite course. 5. Clinical evaluations are completed twice each semester (mid term and end of semester). Evaluations will include student's ability to apply theory in practice, demonstrate safe competent client care, and maintain a professional demeanor at all times when in the clinical area. Evaluations are done by the clinical instructor with input from staff at affiliating agency, clients and others as appropriate. Students will sign the evaluation. Their signature attests to the fact that the evaluation conference occurred. It does not signify agreement with the evaluation. Students are given an opportunity to comment in writing on the evaluation. 6. A student's unsatisfactory mid semester clinical evaluation while in the program permits continuation in the program with continued emphasis on upgrading deficiencies. The student's unsatisfactory clinical evaluation at the end of the semester results in a clinical course grade of "U" and prohibits further continuation in the program. 7. All courses listed in a given semester of the program must be completed prior to progressing to the next semester. Each didactic and co-requisite clinical course, as listed for each semester, is a prerequisite for the nursing courses listed in the subsequent semester(s), and must be satisfactorily completed prior to enrolling in the next nursing courses. 8. Maintain a clinical portfolio. This portfolio will be kept current throughout the entire program. The portfolio will include: a. Course Schedule and Clinical Schedule b. All course syllabi for current semester c. Student Handbook d. Clinical Notebook e. Section for diagnosis, meds and lab sheets f. Section for daily physical assessment and nurses notes g. Section for specialty area objectives h. Section for completed case studies i. Section for computer assignments j. Section for teaching project k. Section for skills check-offs l. Section for counseling notes m. Section for clinical summary sheets |
Course Policies | |||||||||||
Instructor Policies |
Students attending classroom clinical, lab, or clinical must wear surgical or N95 mask and face shield. Students attending classroom, lab or clinical sessions virtually should exhibit appropriate etiquette to include at a minimum: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life; Respect faculty and peers time by being on time to scheduled exams, sessions and activities; and Present yourself in a professional manner. Required assignments and specific dates for work to be turned in must be met by the student. Unless turned in by the deadline there will be a drop in grade for lateness. Previous arrangements between the student and instructor for late work may allow for a reduced late point penalty. Grammar and sentence structure, spelling, legibility, neatness and following directions as to organization are related to acceptable quality in both written and oral assignments Additional classroom policies include: Students and faculty of the Lamar State College-Port Arthur Vocational Nursing Program are expected to assist in maintaining a classroom environment that is conducive to learning. To assure that faculty have the opportunity to teach and students have the opportunity to benefit from time spent in class, unless otherwise approved by the instructor, students are prohibited from engaging in distracting classroom behavior: 1. I understand that promptness is expected. I will be on time for the beginning of all classes and will return from breaks promptly. 2. I understand that I am expected to come to theory and lab experiences prepared and present myself as a sincere, adult learner. 3. I will return phone calls and/or text messages only during scheduled breaks. 4. I will keep cell phones on vibrate in classroom and off and out of reach during testing and test reviews. In the event of an emergency, your family should contact you through AH Secretary, VN Coordinator, or Department Chair. 5. I agree that on-campus computers will only be used for classroom work. 6. I agree that all information shared by other students and instructors will remain confidential. 7. I will not repeat or discuss what is shared with anyone. 8. I agree that I will not engage in ‘side-bar’ discussions. 9. I agree that I will direct my comments to the front of the room. 10. I agree to participate in all discussions, activities, and exercises. 11. I agree to be open to new ideas and experiences. 12. I agree to take risks and step outside of my comfort zone. 13. I agree to maintain a positive attitude. 14. I agree to give supportive feedback and make corrections without belittling anyone. 15. I agree to suspend judgment and be responsible for my actions. 16. I agree to be responsible for learning as much as I can from this experience. 17. I agree to ask for what I need from my instructors. 18. I agree to get better acquainted with my fellow students so we can all identify ways to support one another, work together as a team and develop professionally. 19. I agree to follow the guidelines and policies in the LSC-PA Vocational Nursing Student Handbook. 20. Appearance and Hygiene: Any makeup should be utilized becomingly and sparingly. False eyelashes should not be worn while in uniform. All visible tattoos must be completely covered. Perfume, cologne, or aftershave should NOT be worn, as patients may be allergic to, or offended by, the scent. In addition, other potentially offensive odors are to be avoided, such as but not limited to cigarette smoke or perspiration. Should I be unable to maintain these expectations or stated program requirements, dismissal from the program may occur. The following behaviors will result in the student being asked to cease the action and/or leave the classroom or clinical setting: · inappropriate and or disruptive uses of cell phones and/or other electronic devices in classroom or clinical setting · talking or sleeping while the instructor is giving instructions or during class or clinical conference discussions/presentations · displaying a rude or negative attitude/behavior to the instructor, employees or other students If any of these behaviors result in the student being asked to leave the clinical facility, the student will receive a counseling note and may result in a loss of 5 points on the next exam. |
Attendance Policy |
Research has shown a cause and effect relationship between attendance and college success. Policies for this course are described below: 1. Because poor attendance is a leading reason for termination from a job in all areas of employment, attendance at all scheduled clinicals is expected. 2. A student who is absent from clinicals for more than three (3) days may be dropped from the program by the Program director. A student who is absent from clinical without notification to faculty, may be withdrawn from the program by the program director. 3. It is the students responsibility to notify the instructor prior to any absence from class or clinical. If the student is missing a clinical day, s/he must notify the faculty and that s/he is unable to attend clinical. Each clinical instructor is supplied by the college with a cell phone; the student can call and leave a message if the instructor does not answer If the student is unable to contact the instructor(s) the student should call Mrs. Donna Wolfe at 409-984-6356 or 1-800-477-5872 ext. 6356. The student should also email the faculty or call the faculty office and leave a voicemail. Assignments for absence are as follows a. 1st Care Plan b. 2nd SwiftRiver/HESI Evolve Case Study c. 3rd Nursing Journal A doctors excuse may be required along with the assignment to return. Note: Make-up work will NOT count towards the students Clinical average. 4. Students who arrive after assigned clinical time will be counseled. Students who arrive after assigned clinical time on two (2) occasions may not be allowed to remain. If the student is sent home s/he will be counted absent from clinical. 5. Students must be present the entire clinical day, including post/pre-conference to get credit for their attendance. 6. Since clinical is such an important component of the VN Program, students are required to attend 100 percent of the scheduled clinical days in any given semester. Additional written work will be required if the student is absent from clinical. Any student who misses any clinical days in a semester may receive an unsatisfactory (U) in the clinical course and be required to repeat both the didactic and clinical courses. Absence of the required clinical days necessitates the Standards Committee to review the students performance in the VN Program. Students who: a. Have a 75 test average in the didactic course b. Have satisfactory written work in the clinical course c. Are up-to-date on skills check-offs in clinical prior to the most recent absence may be allowed to continue in clinical. Students will be required to do additional written work to continue in clinical. Students who do not meet the above criteria may be dismissed for the semester. 6. Any student who is no call, no show for clinical demonstrates a lack of accountability and unprofessional conduct. Therefore, s/he may fail clinical that semester and must repeat both the clinical and didactic courses to progress in the program. The only possible exception is if a student is physically unable to call the faculty. 7. Students may be required to attend seminars or workshops to meet clinical objectives. Students will be informed in advance of the requirements. They are expected to attend the entire workshop as scheduled even if it extends past the regularly scheduled clinical time. 8. The clinical instructor keeps an attendance record. Any student who is not sure about his/her status should meet with the instructor by appointment. 9. The program director has the right to initiate the administrative withdrawal of any student whose attendance, conduct, scholastic abilities, attitude or lack of aptitude for vocational nursing makes it inadvisable for that student to continue in the program. |
Academic Honesty | Academic honesty is expected from all students, and dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. Please consult the LSC-PA policies (Section IX, subsection A, in the Faculty Handbook) for consequences of academic dishonesty. | ||||||||||
Facility Policies |
Important Information | |||||||||||
ADA Considerations | The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the the Office for Disability Services Coordinator, Room 231, in the Madison Monroe Building. The phone number is (409) 984-6241. | ||||||||||
MyLSCPA | Be sure to check your campus E-mail and Course Homepage using MyLSCPA campus web portal (My.LamarPA.edu). When you've logged in, click the email icon in the upper right-hand corner to check email, or click on the "My Courses" tab to get to your Course Homepage. Click the link to your course and review the information presented. It is important that you check your email and Course Homepage regularly. You can also access your grades, transcripts, and determine who your academic advisor is by using MyLSCPA. | ||||||||||
Other |
Criteria for Clinical Evaluation VNSG 1261 I. Role Model Behaviors 1. Identifies responsibilities and limitations of a student a. Follows the policies of the Vocational Nursing Program and the clinical agencies b. Completes written assignments within the allotted time frame c. Attends class and clinical promptly d. Exhibits a professional appearance and attitude e. Demonstrates knowledge of boundaries in responsibility f. Comes prepared to class, lab, and clinical g. Maintains skill check list 2. Seeks opportunities for learning a. Seeks out learning experiences within the limits of the Level I student b. Requests the opportunity to perform new skills c. Seeks proper instruction from faculty 1. Contacts instructor when guidance is needed 2. Uses appropriate resources for guidance d. Consistently accepts duties willingly and in a manner that demonstrates interest 3. Incorporates appropriate suggestions a. Accepts constructive criticism b. Applies suggestions offered by other health care providers to personal practice *4. Upholds legal and ethical standards of the nursing profession a. Maintains confidentiality of all material pertinent to each facility b. Refrains from gossiping about individuals receiving treatment at a facility 5. Reports to clinical on time a. Regular in attendance b. Reports to assigned areas at specific time *6. Reports on and off unit to appropriate personnel with appropriate information a. Meets with primary nurse on arrival to assigned unit to discuss assigned client b. Meets with primary nurse and discusses status of assigned client before leaving the floor for any reason *7. Maintains professional behavior and appearance a. Neat and clean in appearance b. Wears the standard school uniform c. Reports to assigned unit at specific time d. Regular in attendance e. Notifies faculty in case of clinical absence 8. Participates in pre and post conference a. Selects client appropriate for learning needs b. Verbalizes basic understanding of disease process under discussion c. Contributes to post-conference discussion *9. Protects client from physical and emotional harm a. Provides a safe environment b. Administers competent nursing care c. Provides emotional support during stressful situations 10. Demonstrates evidence of preparation for clinical experience a. Verbalizes an understanding of disease process of assigned client b. Verbalizes an understanding of medications the client is receiving c. Demonstrates competency when performing nursing procedures *11. Adheres to school and facility policies a. Maintains school policies relating to attendance, dress code, and academic standards, professional standards b. Maintains facility policies related to client care, performance of procedures, professional standards 12. Accepts professional guidance and criticism a. Corrects identified deficits within the allotted time frame b. Refrains from using argumentative communication c. Uses problem solving approach d. Seeks assistance from appropriate persons 1. Recognizes self-strengths and limitations 2. Requests assistance from appropriate source 13. Demonstrates self-confidence a. Recognizes and controls anxiety so that clinical performance is not impeded b. Performs basic skills without hesitation c. Interacts with client while performing nursing duties *14. Assumes responsibility for own actions a. Maintains honesty and integrity b. Reports accidents and mistakes to the instructor immediately c. Identifies strengths and weaknesses [Differential Essential Competencies DEC: I-A,B, C, II-A, B, C, D, E, F- III A, B, C, D, E, IV-A, B, C, D, E] II. Nursing Process *1. Demonstrates the ability to gather subjective and objective data a. Uses multiple resources for data gathering b. Locates information on chart related to physiological needs c. Observes client and environment d. Differentiates objective and subjective data e. Updates data at appropriate times f. Documents/reports changes in client data *2. Demonstrates the basic components of a nursing assessment of adult clients a. Uses the four primary techniques of inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation to perform nursing assessments b. Assesses each body system c. Assembles all required equipment prior to commencing with assessment d. Focuses on client rather than on the techniques of assessment 3. Records data accurately and descriptively according to assessment a. Utilizes suggested references to increase understanding of data to be recorded b. Records promptly and legibly using correct spelling and terminology 4. Identify basic health-related needs and actual or potential problems for clients a. Identifies appropriate hygiene of clients b. Identifies skin condition of clients c. Identifies nutritional needs of clients d. Identifies elimination needs of clients e. Identifies psychosocial needs of clients 5. Identifies NANDA nursing diagnosis for client problems a. Uses assessment data as a basis for determining client problems b. Correlates established problems with NANDA diagnoses 6. Develops a prioritized list of nursing diagnoses for client problems a. Determines priority of client problems based on assessment data b. Correlates problems with NANDA diagnoses 7. Uses principles of growth and development in providing care for adult clients a. Identifies the client's developmental stage, based on Erikson's theory of development b. Plan care based on the client's current developmental level c. Can list tasks expected at each developmental level d. Recognizes and accepts client's individual differences e. Considers development level before proceeding with nursing procedures and client teaching [DEC: I-A & B, II-A, B, C, D, E, F, III-A, B, C, D, E, IV-A, B, C, D, E] III. Teaching/Learning *1. Assesses the client's learning needs in relation to wellness and preventing illness a. Listens to client's verbalization of learning needs b. Observes areas where client needs assistance in attaining optimal health status c. Assesses client's readiness to learn d. Assesses the client?s level of education means of learning 2. Explains procedures, treatments and nursing care to assigned clients a. Presumes that the client has no previous information about the procedure, treatment, or care rendered b. Bases the explanation on the current developmental level of the client c. Allows time for questions from the client (or family) regarding the procedure 3. Emphasizes safety teaching when appropriate a. Explains rationale to client b. Promotes safety after discharge from facility [DEC: I A & B, II-A, B, C, D, E, F, III-A, B, C, D, E, IV-A, B, C, D, E] IV. Communication *1. Demonstrates basic communication techniques a. Responsive to client?s needs while giving care b. Speaks clearly and enunciates distinctly c. Positions self to facilitate communication and observation d. Able to appropriately communicate with client while performing nursing procedures e. Compensates for sensory deficits to promote communication f. Identifies communication barriers 2. Obtains a nursing history, using effective interviewing techniques a. Systematically obtains information through observation and listening to client b. Identifies client health needs c. Includes client input in need determination 3. Uses nursing behaviors that assist in developing a trusting relationship with adult clients of all developmental stages a. Acceptance of the client as an individual b. Demonstrate respect for the client c. Demonstrate truthfulness, reliability and responsiveness to client needs d. Demonstrate honesty and openness in providing client information e. Demonstrate sensitivity to client?s feelings and needs *4. Communicates appropriately with other health team members a. Provides frequent client updates in a timely, organized and concise manner to staff nurse and instructor b. Identifies pertinent client information and accurately documents information on client records c. Uses a logical, orderly method for recording nursing notes d. Uses correct spelling of terms and facility accepted standard abbreviations [DEC: I-A & B, II-A, B, C, D, E, F & H, III-A, B, C, D, E, IV-A, B, C, D, E] V. Technical Skills *1. Maintains client safely a. Maintains a hazard-free client environment b. Transports clients in a safe manner 2. Consistently uses correct techniques for medical and surgical asepsis during client care a. Determines the need for either medical or surgical asepsis b. Utilizes proper handwashing technique for medical or surgical asepsis c. Selects appropriate supplies necessary for medical or surgical asepsis d. Documents procedure on the client?s chart *3. Consistently uses correct CDC techniques for observing blood and body fluid precautions a. Hand washing before and after procedures b. Appropriate use of personal protective equipment (PPE) c. Explains procedures to the client [DEC: I-A & B, II-A, B, C, D, E, F, III-A, B, C, D, E, IV-A, B, C, D, E] |
HB 2504 | This syllabus is part of LSC-PA's efforts to comply with Texas House Bill 2504. | ||||||||||
Department |